Friday, February 6, 2009

Lab-2 (实验-2) Unproductive Day 荒废的一天

The only thing I learned today is a few new vocabularies. I try to finish a round of 'Word Couch' on my iPhone each day.
'Word Couch' is a great vocabulary learning application which aims on improving both the volume and quality/spelling of one's vocabulary. (Check it in the itunes store)

Leading - very important or most important
Unqualified - Not limited in any way; to the largest degree possible
Unlisted - Not included in the public list of telephone numbers belonging to the customers of the telephone company
Wasted - Very thin and weak as a result of illness or lack of food
Frontal - relating to the front of something
Spade - A tool used for digging especially earth or sand, with a long handle and a flat blade
Smoked - To preserve meat, fish or cheese using smoke from burning wood
Runner - one of the two usually metal blades under a sledge which allow it to move along easily
Chase - To try to get something that is difficult to obtain

PS CS4 (Mac)
watched a bunch of videos/tutorials of artist drawing a picture in photoshop. I need to get a tablet! A Mod-book Pro!

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